
It is a platform that facilitates the exchange of experiences to improve the way solid waste is managed in the region.

Improvement of uran solid waste management (RSU)

An instrument to increase the reclamation of valorised solid waste


Recovery of valued solid waste. Within the established components, the solid waste value chains in the participating municipalities in Guatemala, Honduras and Costa Rica are diagnosed..

National Union of Local Governments

It is a platform that facilitates the exchange of experiences to improve the way solid waste is managed in the region. It is hosted on the website (URL and web hosting) of the National Union of Local Governments (UNGL) and also has the authorization of a database of users with whom contact can be made to a network of experts, managers and users interested in the issue of comprehensive solid waste management. This regional communication network platform allows users to have individual or collaborative access to the seven modules and submodules of the management toolbox, as well as knowledge and the exchange of experiences in solid waste management. .

Products and Technologies

The application was developed following most widely used programming patterns such as:



Programming languages






SQL Server


Benefits of The Platform:

It makes it possible to systematize and put together a set of available tools that may help the participating local governments improve their solid waste collection and disposal systems.

It makes it possible to generate a greater capacity for action among those in charge within the local governments in regards to the integrated management of solid waste, as well as to strengthen decision making and the implementation and actions followup.

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